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PRO.M.E.T.EU.S – E+ Capacity Building project

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Published: 16/10/2019

The Alliance is happy to share the results of a 2 years E+ project implemented by Concordia France in cooperation with Lunaria (Italy), Fundacion Proyecto Ecologico Chiriboga (Ecuador) et Brigada de Voluntarios Bolivarianos del Peru (Peru). The Project Management Empowerment by Trainings in EU and South America (PRO.M.E.T.EU.S) was a long-term project funded under the Key Action 2 of the Erasmus+ program.
Prometeus aim was to exchange and improve youth working competences and good practices between Concordia, Lunaria, FPEC and BVBP through mobility activities, youth workers and volunteer exchanges.

The project wanted to strengthen the capacity of the consortium to organise international workcamps by sharing practices with a focus on project management, communication and training, through Long-Term volunteers (EVS), international and local trainings and workshops, job shadowing and seminar.

From P.R.O.M.E.T.E.U.S. experience several outcomes were created!

  • A project website
  • A Booklet presenting the project and all the activities (you will find there many pictures of the activities)
  • A Guidebook "How to organise an International Workcamp" (for local or new organisations who would like to implement International Workcamps)
  • A Toolkit for Camp Leaders, where you will find many activities, energisers, workshops that camp leaders can implement during workcamps

All these documents and results are also available in Concordia website, in the media centre.

You are kindly invited to support Concordia in spreading these outcomes and to promote the project at its last stages and particularly among your camp leaders!

  • Alliance is supported by:

    The European Union and the Council of Europe

  • Erasmus+
  • Council Of Europe