<h1>Heading one Section</h1>
This section is a big blue title. It is recomended to use it only for the main sections, once or max twice per page. You should always use code in text view mode, since visual is just for classic styles. Make sure that red parts of the code are unchanged, and applied as they are, and grey is your plain text you want to add. This heading is automatically added to each page as title of your page!
Use shortcode generator to be sure you add valid code.
Quisque ullamcorper auctor nibh id vestibulum. Fusce non dignissim mi. Donec imperdiet porta elementum. Aliquam aliquam convallis tortor. Praesent laoreet nibh sodales tincidunt gravida. Mauris sed molestie tellus.
<p class="leading">Quisque ullamcorper auctor nibh [...] molestie tellus.</p>
This portion of code is your first or intro paragraf where you have all the main info of the rest of the text. This lead text goes usually right after heading one section (<h1>). Be advised to use it moderately, only for the leading text, one or two paragraph per page.
This is the code for the horizontal separator. Use it to devide blocks of text with horizontal vertical line.
<h2>Heading Two for this part</h2>
This section is a paragraph title. It is recomended to use it for chapter titles. Usually one h2 title comes for section of few paragrapsh. You should always use code in text view mode, since visual is just for classic styles. Make sure that red parts of the code are unchanged, and applied as they are, and grey is your plain text you want to add.
Vivamus eleifend ipsum sed commodo mollis. Quisque placerat et magna ut condimentum. Sed porta orci magna, in condimentum purus sollicitudin vitae. Fusce et dapibus ligula, non euismod nisi. Pellentesque bibendum consequat magna, id vulputate sem fringilla eu. Cras id leo ut sapien vestibulum faucibus non fringilla nunc. Vivamus tincidunt imperdiet lacus eu tempus. Donec vitae nibh convallis, posuere nibh a, tincidunt purus. Aenean nibh nibh, porttitor vel gravida sit amet, cursus nec nisl. Proin in nibh vitae neque auctor placerat.
<p>Vivamus eleifend ipsum [...] auctor placerat</p>
This section is a basic paragraph. Use it for normal text. If you paste it from Microsoft Word, Make sure you use PASTE FROM WORD icon in order to clear all styles thet Word uses. Otherwise your code will become messy!
Quisque et ligula at est elementum hendrerit. Maecenas libero ante, lacinia in tempus et, pulvinar ac ligula. Nam lacinia sapien non urna venenatis dictum.
Read moreQuisque et ligula at est elementum hendrerit. Maecenas libero ante, lacinia in tempus et, pulvinar ac ligula. Nam lacinia sapien non urna venenatis dictum.
Read moreQuisque et ligula at est elementum hendrerit. Maecenas libero ante, lacinia in tempus et, pulvinar ac ligula. Nam lacinia sapien non urna venenatis dictum.
Read moreQuisque et ligula at est elementum hendrerit. Maecenas libero ante, lacinia in tempus et, pulvinar ac ligula. Nam lacinia sapien non urna venenatis dictum.
Read more<section class="one-half">
<div class="block">
<h3>Aims and Objectives</h3>
<p>Quisque et ligula [...] venenatis dictum.</p>
<a href="here goes the link with http://" class="link">
<div class="block">
<h3>Aims and Objectives</h3>
<p>Quisque et ligula [...] venenatis dictum.</p>
<a href="here goes the link with http://" class="link">
This section is a half/page column section. Use it for text blocks. The best practice is if you have at least two columns with highlighted text and you want to link it to more content. you MUST wrap your segment with <section>…</section> tag, and then each block with <div class="block"> … </div> tag. Use shortcode generator to be sure you are creating a valid segment.
Vivamus eleifend ipsum sed commodo mollis. Quisque placerat et magna ut condimentum. Sed porta orci magna, in condimentum purus sollicitudin vitae. Fusce et dapibus ligula, non euismod nisi. Pellentesque bibendum consequat
<section class="highlighted">
<h2>Heading Three for this part</h2>
<p>Vivamus eleifend [...] bibendum consequat</p>
This is the code for highlighted areas. Use it for segments you want to highlight. Make sure you wrapped it with <section>…</section> and use <h2>..</h2> for heading and <p>…</p> for paragraph.
Table Header | Table Header | Table Header | Table Header |
Content Goes Here | This is longer content Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. | Content Goes Here | Content Goes Here |
Content Goes Here | This is longer Content Goes Here Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. | Content Goes Here | Content Goes Here |
Content Goes Here | This is longer Content Goes Here Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. | Content Goes Here | Content Goes Here |
<th>Table Header</th>
<th>Table Header</th>
<th>Table Header</th>
<th>Table Header</th>
<td>Content Goes Here</td>
<td>This is longer content Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus.</td>
<td>Content Goes Here</td>
<td>Content Goes Here</td>
Quisque et ligula at est elementum hendrerit. Maecenas libero ante, lacinia in tempus et, pulvinar ac ligula. Nam lacinia sapien non urna venenatis dictum.
Quisque et ligula at est elementum hendrerit. Maecenas libero ante, lacinia in tempus et, pulvinar ac ligula. Nam lacinia sapien non urna venenatis dictum. pulvinar ac ligula. Nam lacinia sapien
<figure class="img captionFig">
<img src="path_to/image/image-426x240.jpg" alt="my alt text"/>
<figcaption><span>My Caption on this</span></figcaption>
<h3>Heading 3</h3>
<p>Quisque et [...] venenatis dictum.</p>
This is the code for areas with images. Images are ALWAYS floated to the left. When you want to insert an image, make sure you wrapped it with <figure>…</figure> tag and put it before your heading and paragraph text. src property is a path to your image while alt is a descriptive text. Make sure you never leave alt blank. <figcaption>…</figcaption> is a caption for your image and it will appear when you hover the image with your mouse. make sure you wrapped it with <span>…</span>
Once you inserted the image, continue with your text. USE SHORTCODE Generator to avoid mistakes.
<div class="flex-video">
<iframe width="1280" height="720" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/tptQgzA1dtY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
If you want to show image gallery on your page, simply upload images via gallery, and then just instert [pagegallery] code where you want the gallery to appear.
This is the website where I can get Latitude and Longitude for my places