Born from the Monitoring and Evaluation Task Force active during the year 2019, the Monitoring and Evaluation Committee was established as a permanent body by Alliance General Assembly 2019.
The Monitoring and Evaluation Committee (MEC) was born with the aim of creating a network strategy on monitoring and evaluation and making evaluation and monitoring part of the Alliance working culture.
The concrete needs in terms of a strategy on Monitoring and Evaluation were recognized during Alliance Congressino 2019. Assessing the resolutions of the Congress 2014 concerning the topic of monitoring and evaluation, the Congressino confirmed that little progress was been made in terms of creating a common evaluative framework measuring quality and impact of our IVS projects.
Congressino identified the benefits of developing a common evaluative framework as the following:
A roadmap on IVS impacts has been worked on during Congressino 2019 and will be used as a basis for MEC future work.
MEC will focus on:
The specific tasks of MEC for the current year are described in the strategic Plan of Action 2021-2022 adopted by the General Assembly of members 2020.