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Global Human Rights Week 2019


Published: 16/10/2019

The Global Human Rights Week (GHRW) is an event coordinated by Coordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service - CCIVS with the Alliance, WAVAN, SEEYN, Service Civil International (SCI), South Africa Volunteer Work Camp Association, NVDA-Network for Voluntary Development in Asia, IBO and EAVS, and supported by the Council of Europe and the European Youth Foundation.
We invite you to follow us on our journey on our Facebook page, on Twitter at @alliance_europe and on Instagram at alliance_volunteers and support us in highlighting the efforts of the IVS movement to promote Peace and Human Rights. #OurRightsOurVoices

  • Alliance is supported by:

    The European Union and the Council of Europe

  • Erasmus+
  • Council Of Europe