The Alliance is partner of a KA2 project entitled 'When volunteering Meets Media: MediAfrica,' coordinated by Solidarités Jeunesses and implemented in cooperation with the following network/organisations: CCIVS, Javva, Egyesek, Xchange Scotland, YAP Italy, CoCat, GVDA, KVDA, CIVS Kenya, UPA, UVDA, Astovot and Uvikiuta.
The project general objectives are to show how voluntary projects impact the representation and stereotypes each one has about other people' realities and to enhance volunteering as a specific opportunity to know specific cultures through the eyes of local individuals and communities.
MediAfrica project is focused on the African continent.
Indeed the trend of volunteers' decreasing number that all Alliance organisations are experiencing, looks even more dramatic when looking at the features of those youngsters deciding to volunteer in Africa. MediAfrica project investigates the causes of this specific phenomenon and aims to deconstruct the stereotypes towards African countriesmand develop critical thinking towards the information we get from mass media.
The final project specific aim is to increase the number of volunteers exchanged with volunteering organisations in Africa.
At this link you can watch the project main outcome, a web documentary which tells stories of volunteering and exchange between Africa and Europe.
Enjoy the web documentary and share it!