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Common Action 2017: 1Table4All

In 2017 IVS season, the Alliance focused its awareness campaigns on Migration, the theme of the year, as well as Social Inclusion, Environmental Sustainability and Gender Equality.

With 1Table4All, we aimed to promote more inclusive societies and encourage IVS organisations, volunteers and local partners alike to celebrate diversity, inclusion, sustainability and gender equality. The common action contributed to the joint programme IVS for Climate Justice which highlights the sustainability activities of four IVS networks, CCIVS, Alliance, NVDA and SCI.


Workcamps joining the common action were asked to organise a community dinner, setting up the longest table possible and inviting local actors such as project partners, local citizens of all ages and backgrounds, authorities, associations, press etc. The dinners could serve as platform for inspiring conversations and/or activities on social inclusion, sustainability and gender equality. Pictures were shared on social media using #1Table4All and submitted to the External Relations Committee (ERC) of the Alliance.

To support our members, a Ready-to-go session on “Global (In-) equality and (Un-) sustainability” was prepared by the Environmental Sustainability Working Group (ESWG) to be implemented in trainings for workcamp leaders. Besides, Short and complete guidelines for the workcamp leaders were drafted to enable the volunteers to implement 1Table4All.

Around 72 camps joined 1Table4All in 2017, which mean at least 720 volunteers plus participants from the local communities. The camps were organised by at least 15 different IVS organisations from various countries. A big THANK YOU and kudos to all participants!

Curious to see what 1Table4All 2017 looked like? Check out the video here

  • Alliance is supported by:

    The European Union and the Council of Europe

  • Erasmus+
  • Council Of Europe