We are in a time of great need for innovative and sustainable ideas for a stronger impact on youth, that respond to the risks and trends within the youth community and youth organisations.
In the context of economic, social and political challenges that young people face today in Europe, the Alliance intends to share, improve and create approaches and practices in volunteering, that become a turning point for youth organisation to reach a more substantial and sustainable impact in their actions targeting specifically unemployed youth and young people affected by the current social and economic developments.
The workplan “Looking into a Youth future with hope and trust” is implemented from June to November 2014 with the support of the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe. It aims at setting a milestone in the development of International Voluntary Service, by improving, creating and exchanging substantial and sustainable approaches, policies and practices of democratic participation, intercultural learning, and non-formal education of young people through international volunteering.
The final results of the workplan are built throughout three activities and an ongoing participatory and consultative process within the Alliance involving all the members, Working Groups and Committees. The concrete outcomes are collected in the booklet “Looking into a Youth Future with Hope and Trust”.
The Capacity-building training course “Begin Anywhere: Volunteer, Inspire, Engage!” for Alliance members on how to efficiently plan and implement innovative international youth voluntary projects so that they become a real opportunity for a deep and durable personal change in the participation of unemployed youth. It took place in Sremski Karlovci (Serbia) hosted by YRS-VSS.
The “Study Visit: mapping social activism of a European Youth capital in 2014” to a wide variety of civil society initiatives started by young people through volunteering work, that aim to create alternative and sustainable solutions to the economic crisis and where volunteering is used as an extremely powerful and innovative tool for social action and active participation. It took place in Thessaloniki (Greece) hosted by Citizens in Action.
The Congress “Values and role of IVS in the current political, social, economic situation” about the global challenges faced by young people in European countries, the existing policies supporting their rights and participation, and the role that high quality IVS can and should play to combat exclusion and enhance youth democratic participation. It took place in Rispescia (Italy) hosted by Legambiente and YAP Italy.
The first activity offers the possibility to participants, representatives of Alliance member organisations, to reflect and exchange innovative practices on the challenges and trends IVS organisations face nowadays in political, social and economic context of the youth community in CoE countries and learn how to efficiently plan and implement innovative international youth voluntary projects targeting the competence development of unemployed youth. In the second activity we pass from learning to practice with a study visit and finish with a congress where a new milestone is set for the development of IVS as understood by the Alliance: a commonly decided long term strategy and measures that address critical needs of young people, of communities and of the organisations themselves.
All the three events are supported (preceded or followed) by other Alliance projects/events and working meetings that would increase synergies within the network, emphasize the outcomes of the activities and translate them into concrete plans of action within the networks Working Groups and Committees.
These three activities are all directed to reach a more quality youth work of our members, partners, sister networks and platforms and achieve a greater impact on young people across Europe.
For updates on the development of this long term project, follow the News on our homepage!