On the 29th-30th and 31st of October 2020, the Alliance hold its first ever ONLINE General Assembly. The online event gathered more than 70 delegates from Allaince members and IVS sister networks. Several proposals, useful for the Network development have been adopted. Moreover new EC members have been elected! Alliance EC welcomes Fiona Callender of Concordia UK, new General Secretary, and Rosa Garcia Fruitós, from Cocat, new Additional Member. The current VicePresident, Jannika Mumme (IBG), was elected for a second VP mandate!
We warmly thank you Philipp Melikyan (HUJ) and Thomas Hauptvogel (VJF) who have been part of the EC as former GS and AM.
A new Management Committee has also been defined at the GA 2020. WGs and Committees coordinators for the year 2021 are:
A good Alliance year to everyone!